Online Coaching Programs

Online Coaching Programs


I provide online exercise programs for:

  • Improving mobility and flexibility
  • Improving posture
  • Reducing pain and building a more functional body
  • Hypertrophy training


Categories: SKU: 0010


How Does Online Coaching Work?

Step 1: Buying the program

You’ll receive a confirmation email with your purchase.

Step 2: I’ll contact you through email

I’ll send you an email to arrange a first-time video consultation. If you’re uncomfortable with a video call, we can communicate through chat (Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Linkedin).

Step 3: Creating the program for you

After the consultation, I’ll start working on your program and send it to you after 4-7 working days. You’ll receive your program by email, discord or facebook, etc.

Step 4: Feedback and communication

You report feedback from your exercise program and I make the required changes to exercises for you to get the best possible results.

Video call (Pro only) – a few weeks after receiving your program. (best after 4-6 weeks)

Chat support (Pro only) – answering your questions regarding exercise programs, once per week.

Benefits of Online Coaching

Step 1: Faster Progress

I’ll find the most effective exercises/exercise plan and strategy for achieving your goals. That’s what I’ve been doing since 2015.

Step 2: Save Your Time

Stop wasting your time on doing exercises that don’t work, exercises that drive you further away from your goals. Let me do the hard work for you and you focus on being consistent with your training.

Step 3: Invest in Yourself

You can never regret investing in your health. Improving your life quality equals mood improvement and an increase in your productivity.

Step 4: Best Exercises For Your Body

What I do best is to find the most effective ways to improve your flexibility, reduce pain from injuries, improve posture, and make your body stronger and more resilient to injuries.

* See program description below for more info*


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