Importance of Stretching For Bodybuilding and Weightlifting

Is Stretching Good for Bodybuilding? Here is What You Should Know

I know that stretching isn’t the first thing you think of as a powerlifter, bodybuilder or regular weightlifter trying to build strength and size, but hear me out.

Stretching is more important for your body than you think. Performing stretching exercises leads to good flexibility, meaning you will move more easily through a full range of motion in various directions.

Now, let me explain how stretching and flexibility can help your muscle gains.

Importance of Stretching For Bodybuilding and Weightlifting

Stretching to Help You Achieve The Perfect Position During Weighlifting

Let’s talk about squats, one of the basic compound exercises everyone does.

Everyone is able to do squats, right? But not with the same quality. Some tend to lift heels during squats while others may avoid deep squats because of poor lower body flexibility.

You see where I am heading, but let me say it: stretching can help you achieve deep squats and, later on, maximize your muscle gains.

But only if you’re stretching and keep your leg muscles like hamstrings, adductors and ankle plantar flexors flexible enough.

Take a look at this study, explaining the effects of a full range of motion resistance training on muscle hypertrophy.

Dynamic Stretching to Prepare Your Body For Lifting Weight

One of the best ways to prepare your body for weight training is to perform light aerobic activity in combination with dynamic stretches.

That way you lower the risk of muscle injuries and create a more sustainable training environment for your body.

After you’ve done five to ten minutes of this warmup routine, you can safely continue doing warm-up sets until you feel like you can easily perform the movement with quality.

Static Stretching as a Cooldown After Your Workout Session

After a grueling weightlifting session, your muscles are tight, pumped, and fatigued. A cooldown is essential, and static stretching offers a way to transition your body from a state of exertion to relaxation. Here’s how static stretching can be beneficial as a cooldown after weightlifting.

  • Promotes Relaxation
  • Enhances Flexibility
  • Reduces Muscle Tension
  • Decreases DOMS
  • Improves Blood Flow

And that’s it. I hope you realize now the importance of stretching for bodybuilding or weight-lifting training.

If you struggle with stretching exercise choices, take a look at my stretching guide for bodybuilding, covering the major muscle groups with stretches.


My name is Trivo. I'm a physiotherapist and I enjoy exercising, learning new stuff in physio and fitness world, and sharing my knowledge and point of view in this field.

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