5 Gentle Back Stretches for Seniors

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit a doctor’s office.

There are numerous reasons for experiencing back pain. Mostly, back pain is a result of a mechanical cause. That means preventing and/or treating back pain is possible with exercising, in most cases.

In this article, I want to show you 5 gentle back stretches for seniors you can do to make your spine mobile and drive the back pain away.

Gentle Back Stretches for Seniors

5 Gentle Back Stretches For Seniors

Arm Stretch

Start by sitting on a chair with your shoulders relaxed and your arms relaxing to your side.

Then, gently lift one arm up, towards the celling, while other arm is pushing backward, away from your body. Repeat this movement ten times.

Muscles worked: This back stretch is targeting upper back muscles like trapezius, lats and rotator cuff muscles in shoulder joint.

Torso Twist

stretching exercises for zoom meetings upper body rotation

Start by sitting on a chair, lifting your elbows at shoulder height and placing your hands in line with your head.

From this position, gently rotate your upper body towards one side and return to the starting position.

Repeat this movement ten times.

Muscles worked: This stretch targets both chest muscles like pectoralis minor, ab muscles like obliques and back muscle quadratus lumborum.

Knee to Chest

knee to chest erector stretch

Lay down on your back with your head fully relaxed on the ground. Then bend your legs until you grab your knees with your hands. Gently pull your knees towards your chest until you feel gentle lower back stretch. Hold this movement for 30s.

Muscles worked: The target muscles in this stretch are erector spinae muscles and hip adductors.

Hip Muscles Stretch

piriformis stretch pnf

Start by lying down on your back. Bend your both knees and lift one knee so you can hold the knee with your hands.

While holding your leg with your hands, pull the knee towards the opposite shoulder.

Hold this stretch for 30s.

Muscles worked: This hip stretch targets mostly the glute muscle group and piriformis muscle.

Lower Back Rotation

thoracolumbar fascia stretch

Lay down on your back with your arms relaxing to your side. Bend your knees while holding your ankles and knees together. Gently rotate your legs towards both sides until your knee touches the ground.

Repeat this movement ten times per side.

Muscles worked: this stretch is excellent for stretching the lower back extensors and rotators, as well as thoracolumbar fascia and side abs.

What Causes Back Pain for Seniors?

As we age, the spine undergoes degenerative changes. The discs between the vertebrae lose hydration and elasticity, leading to conditions like osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis.

ven in old age, sudden movements or lifting heavy objects can strain back muscles and ligaments, causing pain and discomfort.

ears of poor posture can catch up in senior years, leading to back pain. Maintaining a proper posture is crucial, and posture correction exercises can help alleviate pain.

Lack of regular movement or exercise can lead to muscle atrophy and stiffness in the back. It’s essential for seniors to stay active; consider starting with these stretching exercises tailored for seniors to prevent falls.

While discs naturally wear out over time, in some seniors, they can bulge or rupture, pressing on a nerve and causing pain.

How Stretching Can Help Alleviate Back Pain

Looking for More Stretches for Seniors


My name is Trivo. I'm a physiotherapist and I enjoy exercising, learning new stuff in physio and fitness world, and sharing my knowledge and point of view in this field.

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