How to Do Deltoid Stretch (Front, Side and Back Deltoid Stretch)

In this article, I will show you the best ways to stretch your deltoid muscles. Let’s dive in.

What are Deltoid Muscles?

Deltoid muscles are the muscles around your shoulder. They look like a triangle and help move your arm.

The deltoids consist of three distinct parts or “heads” – the anterior (front), lateral (side), and posterior (rear) deltoids.

There are three main parts of the deltoid muscle:

Deltoid Head Function
Anterior (Front) Moves arm forward and up
Lateral (Side) Lifts arm to the side
Posterior (Back) Moves arm backward

What is an Anterior Deltoid Stretch?

Anterior (Front) deltoid can often get tense or tired since this muscle is involved in many chest-related movements.

Tired front deltoid can affect rounded shoulder posture and increase your risk of injury.

Stretching the anterior deltoid can help you open up your shoulders and chest.

Anterior deltoid stretch often goes along with stretching the pectoralis muscles.

You don’t need any equipment to perform this stretch.

How to Perform Anterior Deltoid Stretch

  • Stand upright with a chair by your side.
  • Place your hand on the chair.
  • Aim to keep your elbow pointing backwards.
  • Maintain an upright torso throughout this stretch.
  • Pull your shoulders backwards.
  • Lunge forwards.
  • Lower your body to deepen the stretch.
  • Aim to feel a stretch in the front of the shoulder.
  • Hold the stretch for 30 seconds for optimal benefit

What is a Lateral Deltoid Stretch?

The lateral part of deltoid muscle is dominant in forming the shape of your shoulder, which makes lateral deltoid popular to train.

This stretch focuses on the side of your shoulder, but you can feel the stretch in supraspinatus and shoulder blade as well.

How to Perform Lateral Deltoid Stretch

  • Stand up tall: Begin by standing straight.
  • Bring arms behind: Move your arms behind your body and hold your hands together.
  • Shoulder position: Keep your shoulders down and your chest up.
  • Push arms to one side: Move your hands towards one hip, so you feel a stretch in the lateral deltoid on the opposite side.
  • Duration: Hold the stretch for 30 seconds to maximize its effectiveness

What is a Posterior Deltoid Stretch?

Stretching the posterior deltoid muscle helps you lift your arm in front of your body.

Main focus of this stretch is on the back of your shoulder. Beside that, you can feel the stretch in your arm, specifically the triceps muscle.

How to Perform Posterior Deltoid Stretch

  • Stand up straight: Begin by standing upright.
  • Arm position: Bring your right arm up to your neck level and bend the elbow at a 90-degree angle.
  • Crossbody stretch: Reach across your body with your left hand and grasp just above your right elbow.
  • Stretch execution: Gently pull the right arm across your body using your left hand until you feel a stretch in your rear deltoid.
  • Duration: Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, then repeat for the opposite shoulder​

This stretch is recommended to avoid rotator cuff injury.

Benefits of Stretching Deltoids

Improves Flexibility: Enhances shoulder movement and performance in daily activities and sports​​​. ref: tummee

Reduces Tension and Soreness: Alleviates muscle stress, particularly in the shoulders​. ref: setforest

Prevents Pain: Helps avoid discomfort from overuse, injury, or poor posture​. ref: thehealthy

Increases Range of Motion: Broadens the scope of arm and shoulder movements​. ref: setforest

Best Time to Stretch Your Deltoid Muscles

The most ideal time to stretch your deltoid muscles with static stretching is after your workout.

Perform hold of 30s per exercise and make sure you target both front, lateral and back part of deltoid muscle.

If you want to stretch deltoid dynamically, the best time for that is before your workout.

That way you will prepare your shoulder joint and deltoid muscle for the upcoming workout.

Safety Tips

  • Don’t bounce into a stretch. Ballistic stretching can cause injury and it should be performed with the supervision of physical therapist or doctor.
  • Build the stretching tension in your muscles slowly.
  • Breathe deeply. That will help you inhibit the stretch reflex and achieve a greater range of motion when stretching.
  • Don’t push too hard. Avoid stretching to the point of a shoulder or deltoid muscle pain.


My name is Trivo. I'm a physiotherapist and I enjoy exercising, learning new stuff in physio and fitness world, and sharing my knowledge and point of view in this field.

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