Callum Mills Suffers Shoulder Injury – The Importance of Rotator Cuff Muscles

Mad Monday Ends in Shoulder Surgery for Callum Mills

Sydney Swans midfielder Callum Mills has found himself in a tight spot. He recently underwent shoulder surgery due to an injury sustained during a post-season celebration, commonly known as Mad Monday. The injury occurred while Mills was wrestling with teammate Jacob Konstanty. The result? A ruptured rotator cuff that could keep him sidelined for up to 12 months, making him a no-show for Round 1 of the next season.

The Importance of Rotator Cuff Muscles

The rotator cuff muscles help stabilize the shoulder joint, keeping the head of the humerus into a glenoid socket when you move your arm. (especially in throwing activities)

These muscles originate from the shoulder-blade bone and attach to the humerus (overarm bone). Here is a list of rotator cuff muscles:

Infraspinatus and teres minor muscles rotate the shoulder joint externally.

Supraspinatus abduct shoulder, mostly in the first 15-30 degrees.

Subscapularis rotates the shoulder joint internally.

Without proper function of rotator cuff muscles, you can’t function optimally in your daily activities, not to talk about professional sports.

Rotator Cuff Tear Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation depends on the location of rotator cuff tear.

If the three tendons are involved (anterior tear), the failure of rehabilitation is more common than in patients with isolated posterior tears.

Source: Is rehabilitation effective in massive rotator cuff tears?

Rotator Cuff Tear Rehabilitation After Surgery

Aspect Information Source
Healing Time 6 to 9 months for most people – 22 weeks for arthroscopic surgery – 4 to 12 months depending on the size of the tear Verywell Health, Angelo Mattalino, MD, HSS
Initial Recovery At least 3 to 5 weeks of limited arm use – No lifting for 6 to 8 weeks University Hospital Southampton, Jaco Rehab
Healing Stages – Inflammation (0–7 days) – Repair (5–14 days) – Remodeling (> 14 days) PMC – NCBI
Physical Therapy Necessary for restoring strength and range of motion – Several months of therapy may be required MyHealth Alberta, Healthline

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Rehabilitation after rotator cuff surgery is a long and meticulous process. It involves various stages of healing and requires a commitment to physical therapy. The healing time can vary significantly depending on the severity of the tear and the type of surgery performed. Therefore, it’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals for a tailored recovery plan.

For more insights on physical well-being and how to avoid such injuries, check out my articles on stretching, posture, and exercise and fitness. If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide on stretching, don’t miss my ebook Secrets of Stretching.


My name is Trivo. I'm a physiotherapist and I enjoy exercising, learning new stuff in physio and fitness world, and sharing my knowledge and point of view in this field.

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