Exercise Might Boost Your Pain Tolerance

Regular exercising might increase pain tolerance.

This statement comes from a new Norwegian study, finding out that active people have higher pain tolerance compared to non-active (sedentary) people.

The higher physical activity, the higher pain tolerance, says the report on PLOS ONE, 24th May.

Exercising and Pain Tolerance

A recent study investigated the link between regular physical activity and pain tolerance.

Researchers examined a large population-based sample, including both men and women with and without chronic pain.

The participants underwent a cold pressor test, where their dominant hand was submerged in cold water at 3°C.

The study analyzed self-reported leisure-time physical activity levels, exercise frequency, intensity, and duration, as well as accelerometer-measured activity.

The findings showed a positive association between self-reported physical activity and pain tolerance.

Those who engaged in higher levels of leisure-time physical activity and exercised with greater intensity and duration reported higher pain tolerance during the cold pressor test.

Interestingly, the association was more pronounced in men than in women, particularly at higher activity levels.

However, when accelerometer-measured physical activity was examined, no significant relationship with pain tolerance was observed.

This suggests that the method of measuring physical activity may play a role in the results obtained.

Although the study cannot establish a cause-and-effect relationship, it provides valuable insights into the potential benefits of increasing physical activity for pain tolerance.

Further research is needed to understand the specific aspects of physical activity that influence pain tolerance.


Overall, the study suggests that regular physical activity, especially in leisure time, may contribute to higher pain tolerance levels. This highlights the importance of incorporating exercise into daily routines, as it may have positive effects on individuals’ ability to withstand experimental pain.


My name is Trivo. I'm a physiotherapist and I enjoy exercising, learning new stuff in physio and fitness world, and sharing my knowledge and point of view in this field.

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