How to Stretch Brachialis: Step-by-Step Guide

Brachialis stretch is a movement of extending the elbow when the forearm is in a neutral position. In this position, the bicep muscle is also stretched.

Stretching the brachialis can improve flexibility, range of motion, and reduce the chances of injury in the forearm, elbow, and upper arm.

The benefits of the brachialis stretch include reducing discomfort in the forearm, elbow, and front side of the upper arm, leading to an increase in grip strength.

Brachialis Stretch

Seated or Standing Stretch

standing brachialis stretch

Start from a sitting position. Grasp around wrist with your hand while holding the target underarm in a neutral position. Gently extend your elbow and apply downward press on your wrist with your other hand. Hold for 30s.


Table Stretch

Start from a seated position. Place the wrist on the lower part of the table edge. Keep your wrist in a neutral position. Gently push your elbow upward, increasing the extension in the elbow joint. Hold this position for 30s.


  • Always stretch your brachialis slowly, avoid bouncing into a stretch
  • Hold the stretch for maximum 30s
  • If you experience any pain, stop and consult your medical provider
  • Add strength exercises for brachialis/biceps/wrist extensors


What muscles does the brachialis stretch target?

Brachialis stretch targets both brachialis and biceps brachii.

How often should I perform the brachialis stretch?

You should perform brachialis stretch daily.

What exercise should I do beside brachialis stretch?

You should perform resistance exercises for wrist extensors/flexors and elbow flexors (including brachialis and biceps).


My name is Trivo. I'm a physiotherapist and I enjoy exercising, learning new stuff in physio and fitness world, and sharing my knowledge and point of view in this field.

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