PNF Stretching For Hip Flexibility – Best Stretches For Hip Flexors, Hamstring, Adductors And Glutes

In this article, I will show you the most effective exercises for PNF stretching for hip flexibility. You will learn how to perform PNF stretches for:

  1. Hip flexors
  2. Hip adductors
  3. Hamstrings
  4. Glutes and piriformis

By exercising the above-mentioned muscle groups, you will cover all the most important hip muscles, which means that you will undoubtedly improve hip flexibility with these PNF stretches.

How Does PNF Stretching Increase Hip Flexibility?

There are several mechanisms behind PNF stretching that affect additional relaxation and increased flexibility of the hip muscles. I will highlight the most important ones: autogenic inhibition, reciprocal inhibition, and stress relaxation.

Autogenic inhibition refers to the sensory fibers in your muscle tendons that prevent the occurrence of the stretch reflex when you stretch your hip muscles using PNF techniques. This allows for deeper stretching and increased flexibility of the hip muscles.

Reciprocal inhibition means that when you statically contract one muscle, the muscle that has the opposite function (antagonist) relaxes and becomes more suitable for deeper stretching. To fully benefit from PNF stretching, it is important to understand the function of all the hip muscles.

Stress relaxation means that during PNF stretching (which lasts longer than traditional static stretching), there is an adaptation of the muscle fibers to this stress, resulting in a decrease in tension in the hip muscles.

In summary, PNF stretching can increase range of motion, decrease muscle stiffness, and decrease muscle-tendon stiffness of all hip muscles. You can read more about the effects of PNF stretching and how PNF influence hip muscles like hamstrings.

PNF stretching for Hip Flexibility

Perform this PNF stretching routine once per day for the most optimal results.

Start with warm up with light aerobic activity (walking, jogging and similar) and dynamic stretches like front, side and back leg kicks.

PNF Stretching for Hip Flexors

Now I will show you PNF stretching for the hip flexor muscles: iliopsoas and quadriceps (rectus femoris).

Start from a one-leg kneeling stance. Lean forward with your upper body until you feel a pleasant stretching in the front of your hip. Hold for 15s (see the picture below)

pnf stretching for hip flexors iliopsoas and quadriceps

From that position, contract your hip flexors statically, without making any movements in your hip. Push your knee downward and squeeze your quads and iliopsoas. Hold for 6s.

how to achieve deep quad and psoas stretch

Repeat the whole process for five times more, each time going into a deeper stretch for hip flexors.

PNF Stretching For Adductors

Here is PNF stretching routine that targets both short and long hip adductors muscles like adductor magnus, pectineus and gracialis.

pnf stretching for hip flexibility - hip adductors stretch

  • Get on all fours and slowly extend one leg to your side.
  • Keep your hands on your hips.
  • Slide with an extended leg until you feel a pleasant stretch in your groin muscles.
  • Hold for 15s.

pnf stretching for hip flexibility - hip adductors contract

  • Then, contract your groin muscles by pressing down with your ankle. (gently press)
  • Hold for 6s.

Repeat the whole process stretching-contract five times more, and go into a deeper stretch each time.


PNF Stretching For Hamstrings

Hamstrings are muscles in the back side of your tight. They include biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscle.

Here is how to target all three muscles with PNF stretches.

standing pnf stretching exercises for hamstrings

  • Start from a standing position with one leg on a chair.
  • Stretching: lean forward with your upper body, extend your knee and pull your toes towards your body. Hold for 15s. (blue)
  • Contract: Push down with your heel. Squeeze your hamstrings for 6s.
  • Repeat five more times the whole process.

PNF Stretching For Glutes And Piriformis

Glutes and piriformis are hip muscles that help with hip rotation and extension. I recommend you don’t skip stretching these muscles because they influence hip flexibility greatly.

Let me show you one of the best PNF stretches for glutes/piriformis.

dynamic gluteus medius stretch

  • Start from a pigeon pose on the floor.
  • While keeping your back straight and hips in anterior pelvic tilt, lean forward with your upper body. Hold for 15s.
  • Then, push down with your knee, squeeze your glutes and hold for 6s.
  • Repeat the whole process five times.

pnf stretching for glutes medius

Safety & Tips When Stretching Hip Muscles

• Focus on performing the exercises correctly.

• Always find a comfortable position before starting the stretching exercises.

• If you feel severe pain or tingling that travels down your leg, stop exercising and consult a doctor.

• When contracting your hip muscles during PNF stretching, you don’t need to use maximum force. It is sufficient to tighten the muscle with 20% of your maximum strength.

• Breathe deeply and use your diaphragm instead of shallow chest breathing.

Learning more about stretching and flexibility is key for improving your body and mind. Here is my book about stretching that covers everything you need to know to practice stretching safely and with 100% effect.


My name is Trivo. I'm a physiotherapist and I enjoy exercising, learning new stuff in physio and fitness world, and sharing my knowledge and point of view in this field.

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