Best Posture in Public Speaking

Welcome to the world of posture in public speaking – a simple yet effective tool that can transform your stage presence and boost your confidence.

In this guide, I’ll share you my posture tips when public speaking in easy-to-follow steps, helping you unlock the potential to shine on any stage.

Perfect Posture in Public Speaking, Does it Exist?

When you speak in public, you want to project confidence, authoritativeness and engagement with your audience, right?

If so, here are a few things you should know to become a more powerful public speaker.

stand tall posture in public speaking

Stand & Speak Tall

One of the most basic posture tips when public speaking. By imagining an invisible thread pulling you gently upward from the top of your head, you will not only add inches to your height but also instill a sense of self-assuredness.

This tip is working like a charm for grabbing attention.

From Body Alignment to Storytelling

Think of your body as a storyteller. Align your head, shoulders, and hips in a straight line to create a posture that’s both poised and approachable. Keep your chin parallel to the ground and your shoulders relaxed. This alignment not only radiates confidence but also invites engagement, making your audience more receptive to your message.

Eye Contact and Public Speaking

Making meaningful eye contact with your audience creates stronger connection with your audience and provide you credibility.

Eye contact in combination with confident body posture is a perfect formula for becoming the best public speaker out there.

How to Control Your Posture in Public Speaking

Let’s say you want to share a certain message or wake up a specific emotion from your audience when public speaking.

Here is how to inspire:

  • Leadership
  • Empathy
  • Authority
  • Humor
  • Confidence

How to Show Leadership With Your Body Posture When Speaking in Public

Leadership posture in public speaking

Before public speaking: Visualize yourself as a beacon of inspiration, guiding your audience towards a brighter future.

Let this intention flow through your thoughts, feelings, and posture.

When public speaking: Extend your spine, making sure you stand as tall as you can. Roll your shoulders back and down. Distribute your weight evenly between your feet.

By doing so, you will become a true leader in no time. Your audience will respect you and learn from you.

How to Show Empathy With Your Body Posture When Speaking in Public

Softer your stance. Let your shoulders relax and your body find a comfortable yet attentive position.

This posture mirrors your openness to truly listening and connecting with others’ emotions.

At certain points in your speech, open your arms slightly, as if you’re offering a comforting embrace.

This posture signifies your willingness to share in others’ feelings and creates an atmosphere of safety and trust.

How to Show Authority With Your Body Posture When Speaking in Public

authority posture in public speaking

Stand tall with your spine straight and your shoulders squared.

This posture projects confidence and commands attention.

Broaden your stance slightly to occupy more space. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and distribute your weight evenly.

This posture signals that you’re taking ownership of the stage, reinforcing your authority.

Keep movements controlled and deliberate. Minimize unnecessary fidgeting or shifting, as these actions can undermine the impression of authority. Every movement should be purposeful and intentional.

Palms Down: During moments of assertion, keep your palms facing down as you gesture. This posture subtly communicates your control and influence over the subject matter.

How to Share Humor With Your Body Posture When Speaking in Public

Begin with relaxed shoulders and an open stance. A casual posture helps create an inviting atmosphere, signaling that you’re approachable and ready to share a laugh.

Leaning In: When delivering a humorous line, slightly lean forward. This posture invites your audience into the joke, creating a sense of camaraderie as if you’re sharing a secret.

Animated Movements: Use your hands and arms to complement your humorous anecdotes. Add playful, exaggerated gestures that align with the content of your story. These movements amplify the humor and engage your audience visually.

Comic Timing: Practice incorporating well-timed pauses into your delivery. After delivering a punchline, hold a brief moment of suspense with a mischievous smile before letting the laughter roll in.

How to Show Confidence With Your Body Posture When Speaking in Public

Stand tall and grounded: Stand tall with your head held high, giving the impression of self-assurance. Simultaneously, keep your feet firmly planted on the ground, conveying a grounded sense of confidence.

Balanced distribution: Distribute your weight evenly between both feet. This balanced posture signifies your ability to remain composed under pressure, instilling a sense of certainty in your listeners.

*Some of the advice is the same as when you want to express leadership because you want to be confident as a leader.


Without doubt, the posture plays a huge role in public speaking. You can show empathy, radiate true leadership and authority or level up your humor.

It’s up to you to choose your posture so your audience fall in love with you.

Good luck!

Learn: 8 elements of nfident body language, why your posture influence your audiance


My name is Trivo. I'm a physiotherapist and I enjoy exercising, learning new stuff in physio and fitness world, and sharing my knowledge and point of view in this field.

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