Pronator Quadratus Stretching Guide

In this guide, I’ll show you how to stretch the pronator quadratus muscle.

The pronator quadratus stretch is effective for relieving the tension in this muscle. To perform this stretch, you need to perform forearm supination and wrist flexion.

Let me show you how you can do it.

Pronator Quadratus Stretch

  • Start from a standing or seated position.
  • Place your right little finger on your sternum (chest bone).
  • Grab your right hand with your left, placing the fingers bellow your right thumb.
  • Gently rotate your forearm into supination.
  • Lower your hands towards your belly button to increase wrist flexion.
  • Move your elbow forward to increase forearm supination.
  • Hold this position for 30s.

Pronator Quadratus Muscle

The Pronator Quadratus is one of the deepest muscles in your forearm, mostly active when your forearm is pronated and your wrist is turned down. (type on a keyboard, play piano, etc)

You can’t palpate or observe this muscle.

The main function of pronator quadratus muscle is forearm pronation and dynamic stabilization of the radioulnar joint.

Why You Should Stretch Pronator Quadratus Muscle

Stretching Pronator Quadratus can help relieve tightness in this muscle. Sometimes, when pronator quadratus muscle is tight, it can mimics Carpal tunnel syndrome.

This syndrome is a nerve compression of the median nerve. The symptoms are pain, numbness and paresthesia.

The affected area is in the thumb, index finger and middle finger.

You can experience reduced grip strength, wrist mobility and thenar atrophy.

The Next Step

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My name is Trivo. I'm a physiotherapist and I enjoy exercising, learning new stuff in physio and fitness world, and sharing my knowledge and point of view in this field.

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