How to Save Lower Back When Gaming: Best Back Exercises for Gamers

In this article, I will show you a list of unique stretching, mobility and stability exercises for lower back and hips, so you can make your lower back resistant to sitting a lot. (best back exercises for gamers)

Please, keep in mind that this article is not a medical substitute, and always seek medical advice from your healthcare provider if you have lower back pain.

Let’s get started.

What’s Happening With my Lower Back & Hip Muscles When I’m Gaming

Before going into exercising I want to show you a picture that will help you understand which muscles around your lower back and hips are more prone to tightness and weakness.

So here it is. lower back pain gaming

Gluteus muscles and abs are prone to weakness.

Lower back extensors and hip flexors are prone to tightness.

Sitting a lot (whether gaming or working) doesn’t mean necessarily that you’ll have weak and tight muscles around your lower back, but you’ll be a pretty good candidate for making your ”core” vulnerable. Especially if you aren’t physically active.

Core refers to the central part of your body – lower back, pelvis, hips, and stomach.

*Sometimes, the tight muscle can be also a weak one, so only stretching it will not give the results you want. Always check the strength of a tight muscle.

And now, the interesting part, I prepared the best back exercises for gamers and can’t wait for you to try them!

How To Exercise When Gaming

I know most gamers are not fund of long training hours, so I created this exercise program you can do in about twenty minutes. (at your home, with little to no equipment)

For gaming and fitness lovers – I have a few tips for you when you train strength with weights. Scroll down to the last part.

“Saving your lower back from gaming” exercise program consist of:

  • Stretching exercises
  • Mobility exercises
  • Stability exercises
  • Strength exercises

To make it easier for you, I created exercises in order you should follow. Let’s dive in.

hip flexor stretch gamers

piriformis stretch gamers


lower back traction gamers


child pose gamers


lower back rotation gamers





core stability cat cow



And that’s it for this exercise routine. You have 10 exercises and if you use two minutes per exercise, you are all done for 20 minutes.

Weight Training for Gamers

I want to share some thought with you about training at the gym with weights.

  • Don’t run away from deadlifts – They are exceptional exercises for building the “core” and general strength.
  • Deep Squats are one of the best way to strengthen glutes, and you now how important are they for lower back.
  • Technique before weights – Don’t chase max rep, it’s not worth it. Instead chase the consistency, slowly adding weights and good nutrition/sleep.

Remember, if you experience lower back pain, always consult with your doctor before exercising.

GL&HF both with gaming and exercising.


My name is Trivo. I'm a physiotherapist and I enjoy exercising, learning new stuff in physio and fitness world, and sharing my knowledge and point of view in this field.

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